Humulus Lupulus L.
EN - Use of biolgically active substaneces in hops from 2014 to 2017 in Czech Republic
In four-year experiments, hop was treated with 7 biologically active substances in two terms during vegetation: Lignohumate max (a mixture of humic acids and fulvic acids), Lexin (a mixture of humic acids and fulvic acids enriched with auxins), Lexenzym (a mixture of humic acids and fulvic acids enriched with auxins, phytohormones and enzymes precursors), Ascophyllum nodosum seaweed extract, synthetic auxin, humic acids and fulvic acids alone. The chlorophyll content was monitored after the application both in the vine leaves and in the branch leaves. After harvesting of the hops from the individual treatments, the yield of dry hops was determined and the cones were analysed for the content of alpha bitter acids. The results show that the most effective hop treatment was the application of Lexin and Lexenzym. The Lexenzym treatment provided a yield of dry hops of 1.86 t/ha, i.e. 0.47 t/ha higher compared with untreated control. The Lexin treatment provided yield higher by 0.41 t/ha of dry hops compared with the untreated control, while the harvested cones contained the most alpha-bitter acids (4.57%
EN - Results of the use of biologically active substances in hops production
in 2017
A large part of the Czech Republic has faced an uneven distribution of rainfall during the growing season of most agricultural crops in recent years. The amount and distribution of precipitation is a significant problem in the Žatec region, where the most important part of hops production in the Czech Republic is concentrated. The Žatec area is situated in the rainfall zone of the Ore Mountains and the Doupov Hills. Hop plants have to cope with stress in the form of droughts during the growing season, even several times during the growing season and often for a long time. Due to the changing climate, hop plants often suffer not only from water deficiency in the soil but also severe temperature fluctuations. In 2017, for example, there were three heat waves with temperatures above 35°C which were repeated during the month of July. The lack of moisture can be compensated for by supplementary irrigation in the cultivation of hops, but in the Czech Republic irrigation is only used for about one fifth of hop gardens. One way to at least partially eliminate these stresses is to treat hop plants with suitable biologically active substances.
EN - Results of the use of biologically active substances in hops production
in 2016
From the multi-year results, biologically active substances based on humic acids and fulvic acids (Lignohumat Max) appear to be promising. However, an even greater effect, is provided by the mentioned acids in the mixture with auxins (Lexin), alternatively with phytohormones precursors, vitamins and enzymes (Lexenzym). Very good results are also achieved by the preparations based on seaweed extracts (in the experiments used by the extract of brown algae Ascophyllum nodosum).
EN - Stimulation of hop growth with biologically active substances
DE - Regulierung des Hopfenwachstums mit biologisch aktiven Substanzen
EN - In our experiments, we have tested e.g. Amalgerol, Atonik, BAP (6- (3-methoxybenzylamino) purine-9-riboside), Bioalgen, Brassinosteroids, Fortehum, GA3, Lexenzym, Lexin, Lignohumát, Melatran, Pentakeep, Rexan, Sunagreen, Synergin, with most cases providing positive knowledge and experience.
The results of several years of experiments and semi-operative treatments show that one of the most important biologically active substances is Lexin, which has proven beneficial effects in extra-root (but also root) application across a wide range of field and garden crops, significantly increasing their yields and quality.
DE - In unseren Experimenten haben wir z.B. Amalgerol, Atonik, BAP (6- (3-Methoxybenzylamino) Purin-9-Ribosid), Bioalgen, Brassinosteroide, Fortehum, GA3, Lexenzym, Lexin, Lignohumat, Melatran, Pentakeep, Rexan, Sunagreen, Synergin getestet, in den meisten Fällen mit positiven Erkenntnissen und Erfahrungen.
Die Ergebnisse von mehrjährigen Experimenten und semi-operativen Behandlungen zeigen, dass eine der wichtigsten biologisch aktiven Substanzen Lexin ist, das günstige Effekte bei der wurzelferne (aber auch wurzel-) Anwendung in einer Vielzahl von Feld- und Gartenpflanzen bewiesen hat, denn es hat ihre Erträge und Qualität signifikant erhöht.